Colloquium PIP 2014

Date: June 13th/ 14th 2014
Venue: Auditorium of the Rectory of University of Coimbra
Supported by: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation


The process of internationalisation of this Doctoral Programme has allowed to expand and sharpen its theoretical reflection by transporting it to other academic spaces, other geographies and other notions in the field of belonging and heritage.

Thus, and in line with the interdisciplinary and conceptual reflection launched by the Programme itself, the aim of this Colloquium was not so much to discuss this or that context or object, but rather to analyse, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the different manners which we adopt to look at heritage through specific theoretical concepts and methodological instruments, aware of the fact that, as Edward Said teaches us, theories and words travel and therefore they do not mean the same thing, whether seen from a perspective of time, context, or fields of knowledge.

The participation in the colloquium was free, subject to obligatory enrolment.

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Sobre este evento

Data de InícioJune 13, 2014
Data de FimJune 14, 2014
MoradaAuditorium of the Rectory of University of Coimbra