
Duration: 01/07/2013 – 30/06/2015

Financing: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Coordination: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro

Investigators: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES-UC); Roberto Vecchi, (Universidade de Bolonha/CES-UC); Phillip Rothwell (Universidade de Rutgers); Michel Cahen (CNRS/Sciences Politique Bordeaux); Mónica Silva (Junior Investigator of CES-UC).

This project intends to bring to light an important political and literary testimony of the recent history of Portugal and Angola, as well as of decolonization in general. They propose to divulge the work for the first time in a well-structured manner from a philological perspective, and, on the other hand, to celebrate a great literary work of a great Angolan and Portuguese-writing author. Later on, and counting on an international team of excellence, they intend to publish the work in three other languages: French, English and Italian


Duration: 01/05/2012 a 30/09/2015

Financing: Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

Coordination: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro e Walter Rossa

Investigators: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES-UC); Walter Rossa (FCTUC/CES-UC); Ana Cristina Vaz Milheiros (ISCTE); Ana Paula Tavares (Universidade de Lisboa); Francisco Noa (CESAB/UEM); Jorge Figueira (FCTUC/FAUP/CES-UC); Phillip Rothwell (Universidade de Rutgers); Roberto Vecchi (Universidade de Bolonha/CES-UC); Nuno Gonçalves (Junior Investigator of CES-UC).

Consultants: Fátima Mendonça (UEM), Luandino Vieira.

The objective of the project is the study of different temporalities, spatialities and discourses of capital cities of Angola and Mozambique. Setting out from the notion of “city as text” or textual palimpsest, the intention is that of looking at the outlines of those cities/ capitals as colonial spaces; spaces of resistance and founding spaces of new nations. The interdisciplinary approach, conjugating literature and architecture and urbanism, intends to bring out an innovating perspective to the study of reciprocity between the different temporalities and the architectural, urbanistic literary narratives.


  • “UNESCO’s Global Report on Culture and Sustainable Urban Development regional survey for Portuguese speaking countries”

Duration: 01/08/2015 – 30/11/2015

Financing: UNESCO

Coordination: Walter Rossa

Investigators: Walter Rossa (FCTUC/CES-UC); Adelino Gonçalves (Darq-UC); Tiago Castela (CES-UC); Andréa Sampaio (UFF – Brasil); Marcela Santana (Investigadora auxiliar do CES-UC); Nuno Gonçalves (Investigador auxiliar do CES-UC).

O objetivo desta investigação é analisar como a cultura, o património e os seus diferentes componentes fazem parte dos processos de desenvolvimento urbano das cidades. Como casos de estudo serão utilizados alguns locais históricos de países de língua portuguesa: Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, Timor Leste, e a região administrativa de Macau. Toda a análise será feita tendo como foco principal as dinâmicas contemporâneas das cidades e as relações entre planeamento urbano e património. Os resultados da investigação serão utilizados pela UNESCO como parte de um Relatório Global, a ser apresentado na Habitat III em 2016.