Annual Conference Cycle

The annual cycle of conferences, which has been taking place since 2010, can be considered a public exercise of discussion of themes within the doctoral programme Heritage of Portuguese Influence, from a post-colonial and interdisciplinary perspective, counting on a group of specialists and background themes, as well as on some opportunities.

1st Conference cycle

  • January 18th, 24th and 31st 2011, University of Coimbra
  • With José Mattoso, Joaquim Romero Magalhães and António Manuel Hespanha


2nd Conference cycle

  • January 10th to February 23rd 2012
  • With Isabel Castro Henriques, Helder Macedo, Ana Paula Tavares, Diogo Ramada Curto, AbdoolKarim Vakil, João Paulo Oliveira e Costa and Fernanda Bicalho


3rd Conference cycle

  • February 28th and March 7th 2013
  • With Diana Andringa, Leão Lopes, Mirian Tavares, Francisco Bethencourt and Paulo Varela Gomes


Colloquium PIP 2014

  • June 13th/ 14th 2014
  • With Francisco Bethencourt, Helder Macedo, Renata de Araújo, Mirian Tavares, António Sousa Ribeiro, Roberto Vecchi, Fernanda Bicalho, Sandra Xavier, Luís Oliveira, José Pessôa, Francisco Noa, Sílvio Renato Jorge, Luísa Trindade and Ana Mauad. Convener by Simonetta Luz Afonso, Luís Lage, Phillip Rothwell, Leão Lopes, Júlio Carrilho, Odete Semedo and Alexandre Alves Costa. The special guest was Eduardo Lourenço that launched is latest book “Do Colonialismo como Nosso Impensado”, edited by Margarida Calafate Ribeiro and Roberto Vecchi.

COLOQUIO DPIP 2014 cartaz